Genes Vs the environment
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- Created by: francesca_321
- Created on: 06-05-16 11:28
What is the definition of genetic influence?
refers to the science of all things hereditry and is typically hat we could call inheritance
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What are chromosones and genes?
handed down through numerous generations as part of evolution
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but more immediately through?
Parents are said to be genetic
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In psychological terms, what are examples?
gender, phobias and schizophrenia can all be seen as being influences by genetics that have not been altered by external factors
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The term environment means?
inflences outside an individuals body
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What could these be in the form of?
other people, oppurtunities for intellectual stimulation or any form of interation/experience
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Any influence on a person's behaviour that is what? is said to be what?
post-natal is said to be an environmental influence
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What could psychological examples of enironmental influences be?
behaviours such as phobias and mental disorders being influenced by external factors such as social learning theory and conditioning
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What does this debate look at?
the fundamental question that psychologists ask about human behaviour:Why are we the way we are?
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The question assumes what?
whatever the outcome of the controversy, behaviour is in one way or anyother determined
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At this stage it is important to note what?
we recognise that some behaviours are due to hereditary factors (genes) and others environmental
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The real question is not either or but what?
which has the most influence on human behaviour
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What is the first example of when genetic influences on human behaviour override environmental influences?
Is in Dr Money's failed attempt to alter the gender of Bruce Reimer.
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After an accident during circumcision what was decided?
Bruce would be raised a ******* the assumption that 'gender neutrality' was correct
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What is gender neutrality?
genetic influencs of chromosomes could be overridden by the environment in which he was raised
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After how many years was Bruce (now Brenda told about his true gender?
14 years
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What did he revert to?
being male, claiming that he had always known that he was a boy
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However, is it possible that Bruce could have what?
lied about always knowing his true identity
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Does this evidence suggest what?
that genetics have a greater influence on behaviour than environment
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Alternatively what do behavourists suggest?
Bandura would suggest that environmental influences play the biggest role
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What did he suggest about aggression?
could be learned through Social learning theory-observation and imitation of role models
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In his infamous bobo doll experiment, what did he see?
children would copy the aggressive behaviours they saw in an adult role models (vicarious reinforcement)
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What does this powerful evidence suggest?
environmental factors are more important than the Reimar study wouold suggest particularly in the case of personality characterstics
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If this is true, should we be what?
discounting genetic factors as a limited source of inlfuence as we are bon a Tabula Rasa?
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Examples of twin and adoption studies suggest what?
there are genetic influences for disorders such as schizophrenia
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Who did Kety study?
Danish pps who were adopted and who later became schizophrenic
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What did he find?
14% f biological relatives of the pps were themselves schizophrenic
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However, how many adoptive relatives had the disorder?
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What does this show?
a strong link between genetic influences and human behaviours is shown in regards to such disorder
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However what did it show about adopted children?
are often paired up with the parents with a similar backgrounds and the diathesis stress model suggests environmental triggers might also play a role
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What did Watson claim?
That there was 'no such thing as inheritance of capacity, temperant, mental constitution and character
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What did he argue?
all behaviours are learned from the environment.
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What did his study of little Albert conclude?
how a fear of a white rat could be classically conditioned into a child and suggested that no fear was innate
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What was the fact?
that one could not always pinpoint when such learning occured was relevant and as such all behaviour was caused by environmental factors
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Howver, could such a strict view of environment over genes be?
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What about?
Seligman's findings of animal phobias
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What did Frued try to find?
a balance between both genetic and environmental factors
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In regards to genetics he believed what?
all humans had an inborn dirive to survive over others
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What about the libido and the unconscious mind?
influences behaviour dramatically
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Here behaviours and defence mechanisms were not what?
things that were learnt but were part of the person from birth
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If this were the case we should all be what?
similar, where genetics are the key foundations for behaviour
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Such similarities were suggested by who?
Buss' evolutionary study of mate preference
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However what did Freud also believe?
that during the psychosexual sages a child's experiences such as harsh potty training, could lead to fixations and later personality characteristics
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A child would experience what?
many things due to early childhood that would be subject to individual differences
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What does this explain?
how the same innate drives could lead to difference adult personalities and behaviours due to unique experiences they face
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If Freud's theory is true what does this suggest?
ignores the subjectivity of Freud's evidence, how we can measure what is due to genes and what is due to the environment
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In conclusion what is the transgenerational effect?
here what appears to be genetic is actually due to the environmental influences of a person's grandmother - whose eggs within her unbor female child may have been affected by the environment of the grand mother
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What are chromosones and genes?
handed down through numerous generations as part of evolution
Card 3
but more immediately through?
Card 4
In psychological terms, what are examples?
Card 5
The term environment means?
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