Genes, Environment, and Behaviour Chapter 3 of mind and behaviour 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? OtherOtherAll boards Created by: Alana WhitlockCreated on: 17-05-12 16:27 What is the specific genetic make up of an individual? Genotype 1 of 10 When a number of gene pairs combine their influences to create a single phenotypic trait what is it called? Polygenic Transmission 2 of 10 Birds pecking the red part of an adult birds beak is an example of...? Fixed Action Pattern 3 of 10 What does ethology study? Evolution and Biology 4 of 10 How much does genotype account for IQ variation? 50-70% 5 of 10 What is the five factor model? A model of personality 6 of 10 What is more important for personality than intelligence? Environment 7 of 10 What is the name for a child's genetically influenced behaviours evoking certain responses from others? Evocative Influence 8 of 10 What is evolutionary noise? A neural variation that neither facilitates or impedes 9 of 10 What part of the brain is believed to be related to size of social group? Neocortex 10 of 10