Genetic Factors in Aggression 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyAggressionA2/A-levelAQA Created by: Emma SchofieldCreated on: 29-05-14 15:39 A gene responsible for producing which protein has been linked to aggressive behaviour? MAOA 1 of 9 What does MAOA stand for? Mono Amine Oxidase A 2 of 9 McGuffin and Gottesman done this type of study Twin study 3 of 9 What was the concordance rate McGuffin and Gottesman found for Monozygotic Twins? 57% 4 of 9 Who found a concordance rate of 37% for DZ twins? McGuffin and Gottesman 5 of 9 Who studied 14,000 adoption cases in Denmark? Hutchings and Mednick 6 of 9 Who studied the Family in the Netherlands? Bruner et al 7 of 9 What did the men in the netherlands family have? Marker on X chromosome where MAOA was 8 of 9 When testing urine samples, what did the netherlands men show? High amounts of neurotransmitters serotonin and low levels of substances left over after MAOA had done its job 9 of 9
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