A mutation occurs when the base sequence on a DNA molecule is changed.
1 of 5
What are the harmful effects of mutations?
1.Sickle cell disease and cystic fibrosis are both caused by genetic mutations. 2. Some forms of cancer are caused by genetic mutations.
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What are the beneficial effects of mutations?
1. Mutations might result in new characteristics that can help an organism adapt to its environment. 2.The sickle cell trait gives protection against malaria.
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Describe how changes in the sequence of bases can result in genetic mutations.
If a partf of the base sequence of a DNA is removed or change it can result in changes in the genetic code which is called mutation.
4 of 5
Describe what is meant by a recessive genetic mutations.
The genetic mutation will only be shown on the phenotype of the person has two recessive allies of this mutation.
5 of 5
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What are the harmful effects of mutations?
1.Sickle cell disease and cystic fibrosis are both caused by genetic mutations. 2. Some forms of cancer are caused by genetic mutations.
Card 3
What are the beneficial effects of mutations?
Card 4
Describe how changes in the sequence of bases can result in genetic mutations.
Card 5
Describe what is meant by a recessive genetic mutations.
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