geographical skills 3.5 / 5 based on 6 ratings ? GeographyGeographical skills and fieldworkA2/A-levelOCR Created by: mollybCreated on: 13-06-13 16:53 value that occurs the most mode 1 of 10 tests for a difference and compares medians of data sets ranking them to see if data differs Mann Whitney U 2 of 10 compares observed and expected frequencies Chi-squared difference 3 of 10 compares observed and the frequency expected given a certain hyptohesis Chi-squared correlation/ relationship 4 of 10 used to shows shapes and distributions Kurtosis 5 of 10 shows the extent to which the mode and mean diffe skew 6 of 10 shows a spread of all values around the mean Standard deviation 7 of 10 shows teh difference between the inner half around the mean Interquartile Range 8 of 10 difference between the highest and the lowest value Range 9 of 10 measures the strength of a relationship between two sets of ranked data Spearmans Rank 10 of 10