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- Created by: Scarlett Kennedy
- Created on: 20-04-16 20:23
The definition of percolation
The downward movement of water within the rock under the soil surface
1 of 47
Equation to calculate water balance
precipitation = streamflow + evapotranspiration +/- changes in stores
2 of 47
Define soil moisture surplus
when inputs exceed outputs, so the ground is saturated
3 of 47
Define recharging
when the amount of soil moisture is returned to field capacity
4 of 47
Define field capacity
the normal level of water held by the soil
5 of 47
Define soil utlisation
when the ground is dry due to outputs>inputs
6 of 47
Define infiltration capacity
The spped as which water can pass through the ground surface, in mm/hr
7 of 47
Name 4 human factors affecting discharge
deforestation, urbanisation, flood defences, irrigation and drains
8 of 47
Name 4 physical factors affecting discharge
Soil type, geology, precipitqtion, litter layer, slope, deciduous vegetation
9 of 47
Equation to calculate hydraulic radius
cross sectional area/wetted perimeter
10 of 47
Define capacity
the amount of load a river can carry
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Define competence
the diameter of the largest particl that the river can carry
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Define flocculation
the chemical settlin of silts and clays to form mudflats
13 of 47
Name 3 landforms created in the upper stages
waterfalls, gorges, interlocking spurs, v-shaped valley
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Name 2 landforms created in the middle stages
meanders, oxbow lakes, U-shaped valleys
15 of 47
Name 3 landforms created in the lower stages
delta, estuary, floodplain
16 of 47
When does the 'ideal graded profile' occur?
When inputs and outputs are balanced, and the depostion and erosion are balanced
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What does the Hjulstrom curve do?
Shows the relationship between particle size, velocity, deposition, transportation and erosion
18 of 47
Name 2 issues with the hjulstrom curve
It should use the velocity at the base of the channel where the material is located, the curve refers to a smooth channel where as most are irregular, water flow is naturally variable while the curve suggests a regular flow
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Name the 2 lines on the Hjustrom curve
Critical erosion curve (top) and critical deposition line (bottom)
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3 place specific details of the High Force Waterfall
The River Tees, Northern England, 21.5m in height, 700m long gorge, 30m wide, Caboniferous limestone and Dolerite
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3 place specific details of rapids
The Des Moines rapids, Mississippi river, 2.34 feet mean depth
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Define helical flow
the corkscrew motion of water3
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Example of potholes
The Devil's Ketlle, Minnesota
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3 place specific details of an oxbow lake
Lake Chico, Mississippi river, 20 miles long, 3/4 of a mile wide and cut off 600 years ago
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The 3 types of deposit that make up deltas (from largest to smallest)
Topset, foreset, bottomset
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3 place specific details of an arcuate delta
The Nile, cover 240km, around 160 in length
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3 place specific details of a cuspate delta
The Ebro Delta, Spain, 320km covered
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3 place specific details of a Birds foot delta
The Mississippi delta, 12000km, consists of 6 smaller deltas
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Desription of an arcuate delta
fan shaped, many short active distributaries
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Desription of a Birds foot delta
river dominated fewer distributaries, very fine material
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Describe a cuspate delta
tooth shaped, one distributary, wave action hitting flat coastline head on
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Define alluvium
silts and clays deposited by the river (make up floodplains)
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2 place specific details of levees
Mississippi river, 3200km
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Define coagulate
stick together (in reference to sediment), caused by chemical reactions that take place when fresh and sea water meet
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Define entrainment
in transportation by the river
36 of 47
What causes regrading?
A negative change in base level -> increases the potential energy of a river -> allows it to revive its erosive energy
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Name of the ice age dyrin which Britains land was depressed
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2 changes that can cause rejuvenation
isostatic uplift, eustatic fall in sea level
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Name the landforms created by rejuvenation
knickpoints, river terraces, incised meanders (entrenched and ingrown)
40 of 47
Describe a knickpoint
A waterfall created to sudden isostatic/eustatic chnage in base level
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Describe a river terrace and give an example
Remnants of former floodplains, e.g the Taplow and Boyn Hill terraces in London
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Difference between ingrown and entrenched incised meanders
Ingrow are asymmetrical, less rapid incision, Entrenched are symmetrical, more rapid incision
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Give an example of an entrenched meander
River Wear at Durham
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Give an example of an ingrown meander
River Wye at Tintern Abbey
45 of 47
What are pools in reference to meanders?
Areas of deeper water and greater erosion located at the bends
46 of 47
What are riffles?
Areas of shallower water caused by deposition located in the straighter section between bends
47 of 47
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Equation to calculate water balance
precipitation = streamflow + evapotranspiration +/- changes in stores
Card 3
Define soil moisture surplus

Card 4
Define recharging

Card 5
Define field capacity

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