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- Created by: Eimearr
- Created on: 06-05-16 21:32
Global Warming
the name given to the process where the average temperature of atmosphere is increasing.
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Carbon Dioxide
released when fossil fuels are burnt, e.g. car exhausts, factories, power stations that burn oil,coal and from homes.
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released from aerosols, air conditionings units, from packaging and refridgerators.
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released from decaying organic matter, (waste food).
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Nitrous Oxide
released from car exhausts, fertilisers and fossil fuel power stations.
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One positive effect of Climate Change
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One positive effect of Climate Change
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One negative effect of Climate Change
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One negative effect of Climate Change
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One way of combating Climate Change
The UK Gov is trying to encourage more people to use public transport e.g. trains and buses in order to reduce congestion and the amounts of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere from car exhausts.
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One way of combating Climate Change
Renewable resources of energy include wind farms, solar panels, hydroelectric power and tidal power. They do not produce any greenhouse gases.
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Is a growth or change for the better. Development occurs when people use resources, such as money, to help achieve a higher standard of living.
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GNI per capita
the total value of the goods produced any services provided by a country in a year divided by the number of people living in that country.
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Why GNI per capita isn't a good indicator of Development?
It is not a good indicator of development because it assumes that everyone earns the same amount of money in a country and this is not true.
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an instrument designed to measure the energy (vibrations) released by earthquakes
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Richter Scale
measures the strength of an earthquake
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Population Structure
the age and sex make up of the population in a country
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when people move from one place of residence to another place of residence on a permanent basis.
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Push Factors
are things that people wish to get away from, things they do not like, e.g. Political fears and not enough jobs.
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Pull Factors
are things that people like, which attracts them to a country, e.g. hoping for a better way of life and chances of a job.
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Typical LEDC pyramid
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Typical MEDC pyramid
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What type of dependency is common in UK?
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Warning sign that a volcano is about to erupt
When magma is on the move it causes 100's of tiny earthquakes, the rising magma causes the volcano to swell and bulge.
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Warning sign that a volcano is about to erupt
Gas seeping from the volcano is another sign, the more sulfur dioxide the volcano gives out the closer it is to eruption.
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Negative impact of Eyallajokull eruption
Farmers in Africa and the Carribean suffered financially because their fruit and flowers could not be exported to Europe and they were left to rot at the airports, e.g. Kenya was losing 2.4million pounds per day.
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Positive impact of Eyallajokull eruption
The Eruption increased tourism to Iceland because people wanted to see it. Local Hotels, Shops and Cafés increased their profits because the tourists spent money.
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Warning signs of an earthquake
There would be many small foreshocks before the main quake.
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Warning signs of an earthquake
Just before a quake, small cracks develop in the rock; the cracks cause the rock to swell and bulge, Radon gas seeps out.
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Impact of earthquake on MEDCS
Emergency rescue teams reach disaster areas within minutes with 'sniffer' dogs, pneumatic drills and heat seeking equipment. Hospitals put on red alert are well prepared for treating victims and many lives saved.
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Impact of earthquake on LEDCS
Roads and Railways are not always of a good standard- difficult to reach victims. Communitities
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Carbon Dioxide
released when fossil fuels are burnt, e.g. car exhausts, factories, power stations that burn oil,coal and from homes.
Card 3
Card 4
Card 5
Nitrous Oxide
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