
  • Created by: Deanie
  • Created on: 03-10-19 14:54
Water security is main aim for a _______
1 of 20
Means to have a reliable and sustainable source of good quality water that meets everyone's needs
Water security
2 of 20
If you have more water than you need it is called a...
Water surplus
3 of 20
If you don't have enough water it is called a...
Water deficit
4 of 20
A water deficit can lead to a...
Water insecurity
5 of 20
When demand for water exceeds supply, it can cause...
Water stress
6 of 20
An area with water security is...
7 of 20
Another area with water security is...
8 of 20
An area with water insecurity is...
9 of 20
Another area with water insecurity is...
10 of 20
A reason for water security is...
High rainfall
11 of 20
Another reason for water security is...
Low population
12 of 20
A reason for water insecurity is...
Low rainfall
13 of 20
Another reason for water insecurity is...
High population
14 of 20
One of the main reasons for rising water demand
Rising population
15 of 20
Another main reason for rising water demand
Economic development
16 of 20
When governments have to cooperate where rivers cross national boundaries
Transboundary cooperation
17 of 20
peace and ________ stability reduces conflict so that people have access to safe water
18 of 20
Water security can help with f_____
19 of 20
Key word relating to water security that begins with s
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Means to have a reliable and sustainable source of good quality water that meets everyone's needs


Water security

Card 3


If you have more water than you need it is called a...


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


If you don't have enough water it is called a...


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


A water deficit can lead to a...


Preview of the front of card 5
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