Geography 6.1a - Urban Environments 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? GeographyUrban EnvironmentsIGCSEEdexcel Created by: goldstar3Created on: 20-05-18 15:32 Agglomeration Concentration of people & economic activities at locations e.g estuaries 1 of 7 Suburbanisation Towns grow, expand outwards. Due to improvements, suburbs appear inc houses, employment & services 2 of 7 Commuting People to rural areas and travel to work. Called dormitory settlement. Leading cause of counter-urbanisation 3 of 7 Urban Regeneration Reusing old parts of city - abandoned as businesses move to suburbs 4 of 7 Counter Urbanisation People, businesses, services move further out than suburbs to small towns/rural areas 5 of 7 Urban Re-imaging Regeneration of e.g. warehouse into upmarket office - facelift 6 of 7 Urbanisation of suburbs Low density development. Rural areas eroded so businesses make use of suburban areas. No longer just residential, becoming urban centre 7 of 7
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