Geography 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Geographyweather and climatesYears 7-9 (KS3)None Created by: CrystalroleCreated on: 04-10-20 10:50 What is an anticyclone? an area of high pressure which brings fine weather 1 of 7 what do we call people who study weather? meteorologist 2 of 7 what is the definition of weather? what happens over a short period of time.It can changes every time. 3 of 7 definition of isobars lines on a weather map joining together places of equal air pressure. 4 of 7 definition of depressions areas of low atmospheric pressure which produce cloudy,rainy and windy weather. 5 of 7 explain what latitude is: distance from the equator 6 of 7 explain what altitude is: height above sea level of an area 7 of 7
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