Geography 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyAYears 7-9 (KS3)All boards Created by: taxlqxCreated on: 15-11-21 20:11 What are the 7 main continents? Africa, Asia, Antarctica, Europe, North America, South America, Australasia 1 of 8 What are the 5 main oceans? Atlantic, Arctic, Antarctic, Pacific, Indian 2 of 8 What is physical geography? How our planet is naturally - e.g. mountains, the weather, the tide etc. 3 of 8 What is environmental geography? How we are affecting our planet - e.g. climate change, deforestation, pollution etc. 4 of 8 What is contained in the British Isles? England, Scotland, Ireland, Northern Ireland and Wales. 5 of 8 What is contained in the United Kingdom? England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland 6 of 8 What is contained in Great Britain? England, Wales, Scotland 7 of 8 What are the 8 different compass points? North, North-East, East, South East, South, South West, West, North West 8 of 8
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