The Equator is a line that goes across the middle of the Earth, thesame direction as the Latitude ‘lines’
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Goes East-West, says how far North/South we are
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Goes North-South, says how far East/West we are
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A map
A map is a symbolic representation of selected characteristics of a place
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Why is factfullness important?
It makes you look at things how they actually are
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Prime meridian
The line that runs through Greenwich, England. It is arbitrary which means it can be anywhere on the latitude line
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180° meridian
The opposite of the Prime meridian. It is halfway around the world at 180° on the longitude line
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an area of land which separates separate water flowing to different rivers, basins or seas
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a point where two rivers meet
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where smaller rivers join the main river
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where the river starts. could be a spring, a lake, a melting glacier or a holow where a lot of rain collects.
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River basin/Drainage basin
an area of land drained by a river and its tributaries
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where the river flows into a lake or the sea. a wide river mouth is called an estuary. fresh water mixes with the salty water
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the flat land beside the river- it may flood when the river overflows
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contour lines
a line on a map connecting points of equal height, below or above sea level. they usually have the height on them, but other times you have to look on the right hand side of the map
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the lines going east-west on a grid
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the lines going north-south on a grid
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the height and shape of the land
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spot height
shown as a black dot with a number saying the height in metres, at the top of the hill there is a triangle instead of a dot to demonstrate the heighest poin on the land
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layer colouring
the colours of the land on maps change according to how much it is above sea level. hills at 300+ metres will have the darkest colour and it will get progressively lighter as you get closer to sea level
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Goes East-West, says how far North/South we are
Card 3
Goes North-South, says how far East/West we are
Card 4
A map is a symbolic representation of selected characteristics of a place
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