
Geography revision

Globalisation describes the way in which the world has become more interconnected. Globalisation has led to an increase in world trade, foreign investment, communication between different countries and the sharing of ideas.
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The UK has experienced deindustrialisation. There has been a decrease in the amount of manufacturing taking place in the country and a growth in the tertiary and quaternary sectors. Traditional industries, such as ship building and textiles, have declined
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Government policies
Government policies
The government manages the UK economy through the Treasury. Each year a budget is produced, which sets out things such as the minimum wage, spending on public services and levels of tax.

During the 1980s the UK was performing better t
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Science and business parks
Science and business parks are special places for company offices. They are often found on the edge of cities, like Bristol and Cambridge, where there is good accessibility. Many are located close to universities to attract graduates. Science and business
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Finance and Research
Financial jobs are to do with money. In the UK, these types of jobs include accountancy, working in banks and building societies, financial planning, insurance, investments and pensions. Large financial employers in the UK include Barclays, Aviva and KPMG
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Card 2


The UK has experienced deindustrialisation. There has been a decrease in the amount of manufacturing taking place in the country and a growth in the tertiary and quaternary sectors. Traditional industries, such as ship building and textiles, have declined



Card 3


Government policies
The government manages the UK economy through the Treasury. Each year a budget is produced, which sets out things such as the minimum wage, spending on public services and levels of tax.

During the 1980s the UK was performing better t


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Card 4


Science and business parks are special places for company offices. They are often found on the edge of cities, like Bristol and Cambridge, where there is good accessibility. Many are located close to universities to attract graduates. Science and business


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Card 5


Financial jobs are to do with money. In the UK, these types of jobs include accountancy, working in banks and building societies, financial planning, insurance, investments and pensions. Large financial employers in the UK include Barclays, Aviva and KPMG


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