
  • Created by: sky246
  • Created on: 20-04-24 15:10
What is Physical Geography?
Physical Geography is natural features, the land, the sea, and the atmosphere. E.g. beaches, mountains, forests.
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What is Human Geography?
Human Geography is where and how people live, manmade features, and communities of people e.g. buildings, pier, factories, settlements.
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What is Environmental Geography?
Environmental Geography is the surroundings in which people, plants and animals live. In particular, how they interact and/or affect each other. e.g. cutting down trees and failing to replant new trees to deforestation. Animal conservation projects.
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What is Cardiff bay?
Cardiff bay is an area of fresh water lake in Wales. It is the site of a formal tidal bay and estuary, and is the river mouth of the River Taff and Ely.
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What is the history of Cardiff Bay
Formally known as Tiger Bay, It has transformed from the rough red-light district of previous decades into a flourishing and trendy part of Cardiff.
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What is the history of Cardiff Bay?
1885-first coal train arrived at Cardiff
1913-13 million tons of coal exported making Cardiff the premier coal port in the world
1958-Trade at Cardiff drops to around 2 million tons every year.
1955-Cardiff becomes the capital city of Wales.
1978-East moo
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Card 2


Human Geography is where and how people live, manmade features, and communities of people e.g. buildings, pier, factories, settlements.


What is Human Geography?

Card 3


Environmental Geography is the surroundings in which people, plants and animals live. In particular, how they interact and/or affect each other. e.g. cutting down trees and failing to replant new trees to deforestation. Animal conservation projects.


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Card 4


Cardiff bay is an area of fresh water lake in Wales. It is the site of a formal tidal bay and estuary, and is the river mouth of the River Taff and Ely.


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Card 5


Formally known as Tiger Bay, It has transformed from the rough red-light district of previous decades into a flourishing and trendy part of Cardiff.


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