Geography AS Health

define health
a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease
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define morbidity
the frequency of which disease appears in a population
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define mortality
the death of people, it is measured by a number of indecencies such as death rate and infant mortality
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define attack rate
the number of cases of a disease diagnosed in an area divided by the total population
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define infant mortality
the number of death of children under the age of 1 per 1000 live births in a year.
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define case mortality
the number of people dying from a disease divided by the number of people diagnosed with that disease
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define death rate
the number of deaths per 1000 people in a year
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define pandemic
a disease outbreak that has spread across continents and worldwide
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define epidemic
a widespread outbreak of an infectious disease
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what increase the risk of CHD
smoking / high blood pressure / obesity / lack of exercise / high fat diet / family history
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what are the syymptoms of CHD
shortness of breath / chest pain / jaw pain / sweating / nausea / cardiac arrest
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what are the treatments for CHD
by pass graft / stent insertion / beta blockers / aspirin to thin the blood / statins
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define obesity
a state of being grossly fat or overweight with a BMI of 30.0 +
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what is emergent health care
doctors are paid directly, they work individually in privately owned facilities e.g. bangladesh or india
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what is pluralistic health care
health care is seen as a consumer product and is paid for through insurance, minimal input from the stare e.g. america
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what is social security health care
health care is insured, the patient pays and is then reimbursed by the state or insurance there is a wide choice of facilities
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what is NHS health care
paid for through taxation, publically owned facilities, the state has a lot of control, some private facilities e.g uk and canada
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what is socialised health care
state provided public service, facilities are publically owned and state has full control of the system all doctors are state employed e.g. china and cuba
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what is a TNC
a company that operates in at least 2 countries with the headquarters usually in the country of origin and manufacturing is overseas
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what is an off patent drug
medicines which no longer have a patent and other companies can produce copies and therefore sell it at a lower price
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what is a patented drug
drugs developed by a company which has claimed the rights to its production and no other company can produce it without the permission of the patent holder.
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how does age affect access to exercise facilities
children under the age of 16 are not usually allowed to join gyms, schools often have sports halls and sports facilities, old people may feel that a gym is not suitable for them , economically active people might not have the time to exercise
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how does age affect access to healthcare facilities
under 16s find it difficult to get private health care facilities,
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how does age affect access to nutrition
people at uni may have little income so have a poorer diet
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how does gender affect access to exercise facilities q
some women don't like the masculine environment at the gym, some religions are against or make it difficult for women to do exercise
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how does gender affect access to healthcare
women have twice as many doctors appointments as men, more women are diagnosed with depression but more men die from suicide
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how does wealth affect access to exercise facilities
some exercise facilities may be more accessible with a car, wealthier people are more likely to be able to afford the gym
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how does wealth affect access to health care
wealthier people will be able to get private health care , poor welath can be associated with lower levels of education
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why are infectious diseases more common in LEDCs
malnutrition, lack of hygiene, lack of clean water, overcrowding, limited or no health care, poor education
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health effects of ebola
initial symptoms are fever, vomiting, joint pains and headache // spontaneous bleeding from the tongue ears and eyes // death after 6-16 days // blood clots stop blood reaching vital organs
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economic effects of ebola
sierra leone's economy has deflated by 30% // nearly half of liberian heads of household have lost their jobs // closing of borders has stopped trade // roadblocks are preventing farmers getting to markets // decrease in holiday booking to the area
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lifestyle effects of ebola
border closers means family are separated // families with ebola are stigmatised and cut out of commuities // increased stress // increased food prices have lead to crime
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economic effects of CHD
cost the NHS $0.5 billion // campaigns such as change 4 life cost the tax payers money // Bypass surgery and angiplastys cost a lot of money for the NHS
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why doe famines occur on a large scale
drought- lack of rainfall leads to lack of water and crop failure // population increase - leads to insufficient food // rise in food prices
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ethipia drough facts
affects 43% of the population // people migrated to find water putting pressure on areas that had it // thousands of cattle, sheep, camels and sheep died // food prices rose
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what is the value of GSK (TNC)
£77,362 million
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how many packs of medicine do GSK produce each year
4 billion
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how many people do GSK employ and in how many countries
100,000 in 117 countries
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how do tabaco TNCs affect world health
around 1/3 of the world population smoke form the age of 15 // 80% of smokers live in poorer countries // around 4 million people die each year from tobacco related illnesses
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What do British American Tobacco do
produces tobacco in 44 countries // they have targeted india where every day 55,000 children start using tobacco // they sell single sticks in African countries which attract children // some farmers now produce tobacco instead of food
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


define morbidity


the frequency of which disease appears in a population

Card 3


define mortality


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


define attack rate


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


define infant mortality


Preview of the front of card 5
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