Geography Autumn test
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- Created by: Ally0105
- Created on: 15-10-16 11:17
World Population
The world's population is the total number of humans alive on the planet Earth at any given time
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How many people are born and die every second?
Every second 5 people are born and 2 people die thats a gain of 3 people per second
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How many people are there in the world?
7.4 billion
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How many people are there in the Uk?
64 million
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How many people are there in Sheffield?
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What country has the highest population and what is it?
China has the highest population in the world at about 1.4billion people living there
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What country has the lowest popluation and what is it?
Pitcairn Island at about 50 poeple
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UN High
is if there are alot of births and not many deaths
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UN Medium
is if births and deaths stay about the sames as recent years
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UN Low
is it the number of births decreases ino the future
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What happened in 4,500BC?
The wheel was invented
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What happened in 3,00BC?
The first cities appear and the first writing
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What happened in 1,00BC?
The iron age starts. We begin using iron for ploughs
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What happened in 1AD?
The Romans invaded britain
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What happened in 400AD?
The Romans leave Britains
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What happened in 1,700AD?
The Industrial Reviolution starts
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When was the first billion reached?
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When was the next billion reached?
130years later
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When was the next billion reached?
30years later
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When was the next billion reached?
15years later
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When was the next billion reached
13years later
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What was this time called?
The population explodsion
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This is the number of live births per ....... of the population in a given area in a given ..... e.g if a country had a population of 2000 and their birth rate is 10/1000 there would be a total of ..... births that year. (2*10)
This is the number of live births per year of the population in a given area in a given year e.g if a country had a population of 2000 and their birth rate is 10/1000 there would be a total of 20 births that year. (2*10)
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This is the number of deaths per ...... of the population in a given ... in a given year. EG. if a country of 2000 people had a death rate of 8 per 1000 the there would have been a total of .... deaths that year.
This is the number of deaths per thousand of the population in a given areain a given year. EG. if a country of 2000 people had a death rate of 8 per 1000 the there would have been a total of 16 deaths that year.
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This is the ....... between ... and ..... it is often expressed as a percentage. If there are more birthds than deaths then the population will .... and if there are more deaths than births then the popultaion will ....
This is thed difference between birth and death it is often expressed as a percentage. If there are more births than deaths then the population will increase and if there are more deaths than births then the popultaion will decrease
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Population distribution
This is where people live within a given country or area
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Population density
This is the average number of people living in a country per km2
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Sparsley populated
This is where few people live in a given are. The area is quite empty
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Densley populated
This is where there are many people living in an area. it is a cowered area
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What are the 4 top most densley populated areas of the word
S.E Asia , Europe, Eastern side of the USA, West Africa
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Why do we not live in some parts of the wrold and not others human reasons
Wealth, Healthcare, Jobs
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Why do we not live in some parts of the wrold and not others physical reasons
Rainfall, Temperature, Isolated
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
How many people are born and die every second?
Every second 5 people are born and 2 people die thats a gain of 3 people per second
Card 3
How many people are there in the world?

Card 4
How many people are there in the Uk?

Card 5
How many people are there in Sheffield?

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