geography case studies 0.0 / 5 ? Geographycase studiesGCSEAQA Created by: Elliem2604Created on: 13-06-19 20:32 earthquakes chile 2010 and nepal 2015 1 of 12 managed retreat medmerry 2013 2 of 12 coasts lyme regis, completed in 2015 3 of 12 flooding (weather) somerset floods 2014 4 of 12 weather hazards (typhoon) typhoon haiyan 2013 5 of 12 tectonics iceland average every 5 years 6 of 12 adapting to climate change gambia 7 of 12 extreme weather evidence 2003 heatwave, 2009 heavy snow, 2010 heavy snow, 2013/14 wettest winter in england 8 of 12 rainforests malaysia (deforestation) 9 of 12 glaciers kirk stone pass wind farms, glenridding zip-wire, managing tourism in the lake district 10 of 12 climate change maldives, sea level rise 11 of 12 cold environments svalbard 12 of 12
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