Geography- Definitions UK in the 21st Century Part C 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyUK in the 21st CenturyGCSEOCR Created by: 13clarkenCreated on: 29-03-18 15:04 Work Patterns- An arrangement for people to be available for work, but without fixed hours and without pay when there is no work Zero Hours contract 1 of 10 Work Patterns- Allows workers to spend work time away from the workplace, working via computer or telephone Home Working 2 of 10 Areas which have been identified across England with the greatest potential for future growth Economic Hubs 3 of 10 High growth Criteria- Growth including the number of businesses and jobs Economic 4 of 10 High Growth Criteria- Growth including a young, educated workforce and diverse population Demographic 5 of 10 High Growth Criteria- Growth including the number of homes and offices Place 6 of 10 Dynamic Growth Criteria- … Intensive business, with the most potential for growth Knowledge 7 of 10 Dynamic Growth Criteria- … workforce, educated to degree level or above High Skilled 8 of 10 Dynamic Growth Criteria- … formation, with the potential to grow into larger businesses New Business 9 of 10 Dynamic Growth Criteria- … connections, including rail, road and air Good Transport 10 of 10
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