Geography GCSE Flashcards

What does LIC stand for?
Low Income Country
1 of 5
What does HIC stand for?
High Income Country
2 of 5
What is distribution?
The spreading out of places
3 of 5
What is a natural hazard?
A natural hazard is a hazard that is naturally cause by natural surroundings.
4 of 5
Describe the10 deadliest hazard
The most deadliest hazard was the Yangtze- Kiang River flood which happened in China in 1931.This flood cause 3,700,000 deaths. The top 4 deadliest hazards were all floods in China. Also, out of the 10, 8 of the hazards happened in China.
5 of 5

Other cards in this set

Card 2


High Income Country


What does HIC stand for?

Card 3


The spreading out of places


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Card 4


A natural hazard is a hazard that is naturally cause by natural surroundings.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


The most deadliest hazard was the Yangtze- Kiang River flood which happened in China in 1931.This flood cause 3,700,000 deaths. The top 4 deadliest hazards were all floods in China. Also, out of the 10, 8 of the hazards happened in China.


Preview of the back of card 5


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