GEOGRAPHY GLOSSARY WORDS 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyUrban environmentsGCSEAQA Created by: annaheath1Created on: 18-06-17 12:35 push and pull factors factors which push or pull people to a place 1 of 49 migration movement from one part of something to another 2 of 49 destination a place where something will be sent 3 of 49 country of origin where something comes from 4 of 49 immigrant a person who perminently lives in a foreign country 5 of 49 emigrant a person who leaves their own country 6 of 49 Trend change over time 7 of 49 HIC high income country 8 of 49 LIC low income country 9 of 49 urbanisation population shift from rural to an urban area 10 of 49 urban town or city 11 of 49 rural countryside 12 of 49 megacity a city with 10m people in it or more 13 of 49 millionaire city a city with 1m people in it or more 14 of 49 NEE newly emerging economy 15 of 49 natural increase birth rates - death rates 16 of 49 population distribution the pattern of where people live across and area such as a country 17 of 49 population density the number of people per square km 18 of 49 dense high population density 19 of 49 conurbation large urban area where towns and cities merge together 20 of 49 rural urban fringe a zone of transition between the built up area and the countryside. there is often competition for land useq 21 of 49 urban sprawl the unplanned growth of urban areas 22 of 49 urban greening the process of increasing and preserving open space 23 of 49 urban re-generation the revival of olld parts of urban areas 24 of 49 green belt areas outside the city where building is banned 25 of 49 zone of accumulation snow and ice builds up 26 of 49 zone of ablation ice and snow melt 27 of 49 plucking melted water in the ice freezes and moves forward and plucks out large rocks 28 of 49 abrasion rocks scrape away the ice, this wears away the land 29 of 49 bulldozing a landform formed through erosion 30 of 49 outwash a plain formed of glacial sedements deposited in melt water at the terminus of a glacier 31 of 49 till unsorted material deposited directly by glacial ice 32 of 49 crevasse a deep wedge shaped opening in a mass of ice 33 of 49 water footprint the amount of you use in one day 34 of 49 carbon footprint the measurement of all the greenhouse gases we produce 35 of 49 water defict where the supply of water is exceeded by the demand 36 of 49 water surpless where the supply of water exceeds the demand 37 of 49 water stress the demand for water exceeds the avalible amount 38 of 49 aquifer water stored in bedrock 39 of 49 eutrophication algae grows out of control 40 of 49 energy gap the difference between a countres risng demand for energy and its ability to produce energy from its own resources 41 of 49 energy security uninterrupted availability of energy sources 42 of 49 energy insecurity where a country has to rely on another country for energy 43 of 49 hydraulic action the force of the water breaks rock particles away from the river channel 44 of 49 attrition eroded rocks picked up by the river smash into each other and there endges get rounded of 45 of 49 solution river water dissolves some types of rocks eg chalk and limestone 46 of 49 traction large boulders are pushed along the river bed 47 of 49 suspension small particles are carried along 48 of 49 saltation pebble like particles are pushed along the river bed 49 of 49
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