all the moisture that comes from the atmosphere. Mainly rain but can include snow, hail etc
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water turning into water vapour – going from a liquid to a gas
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the process of stopping water reaching soil. Precipitation can be intercepted by vegetation. Buildings and tarmac also intercept water
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Stem Flow
Water reaching the ground by running down branches, trunks or stems of plants
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Channel Flow
water flowing along in the river itself
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Surface run-off(overland flow)
water flowing over the land
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water soaking into the soil. Influenced by soil types, saturation levels.
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Through flow
water moving slowly downhill through the soil
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water seeping down through soil into the water table
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Water table
the level at which the soil is saturated.
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Groundwater flow
water flowing slowly below the water table through permeable rock (slowest flow)
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Base flow
Groundwater feeding into the river through riverbanks and the riverbed
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Plants and trees take up water through their roots and evaporate it from their leaves
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Plants and trees take up water through their roots and evaporate it from their leaves
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River discharge
takes water out of the system
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Through fall
the water that drips off leaves during a rainstorm, when more water falls onto the canopy that can remain on the leaves
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the laying down os solid material in the form of sediment, on the bed of the river or the sea floor
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The break up of rocks by the action of rock particles being moved over the earth's surface by water, wind and ice
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The movement of particles from the place where they were eroded to the place where they are deposited
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a natural event that threatens life and property. A disaster is the realisation of the hazard.
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River management
river basins are subject to strategies designed to prevent flooding and o ensure their is an adequate supply of water.
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Incised meander
caused by rejuvenation. A meander that has deeply cut intot the floodplain, creating steep cliff-like banks
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Knick point
Usually marked by rapids, represents rejuvenation and is a sudden break in the long profile of a river
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An increase in the energy of a river caused by either a fall in its base level or an uplift of land.
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River terrace
A narrow, flat piece of ground that runs parallel to the river on either side, above the level of the floodplain. Usually created by a fall in base level.
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Marine processes
Processes operating upon a coastline that are connected with the sea, such as waves, tides and longshore drift.
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Sub-aerial processes
Processes operating on the land but affecting the shape of the coastline, such as weathering, mass movement and runoff.
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Coastal zone
the area where the ocean meets the land which constitutes 10% of the oceans area but contains 90% of all marine species.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
water turning into water vapour – going from a liquid to a gas
Card 3
the process of stopping water reaching soil. Precipitation can be intercepted by vegetation. Buildings and tarmac also intercept water
Card 4
Water reaching the ground by running down branches, trunks or stems of plants
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