Geography Paper 1 Section B: LIVING WORLD
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- Created by: Davina1st
- Created on: 25-11-19 20:34
What is the name of your small scale ecosystem?
Epping Forest
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Define ecosystem
Area made up of plants, animals and their surrounding physical environment. Important interrelationships link the BIOTIC and ABIOTIC parts of the ecosystem
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Name a biotic part of an ecosystem
Animals, vegetation or anything else alive
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Name an abiotic part of an ecosystem
rainwater, sunlight and soil or anything else non-living
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How does climate affect vegetation?
Veg dies without: enough water, a healthy balance of heat and moisture, a balance of hot, cold, wet, and dry weather
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How does climate affect the soil?
Heat and moisture affects the soil, too much water will wash away nutrients and become infertile.
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How does soil affect vegetation?
Helps it to grow, soil can hold onto roots
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How does vegetation affect soil?
Veg dies and decomposes to create a healthier more fertile soil
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How do animals affect vegetation?
Animal poo helps veg to grow, creates fertile soil and helps growing conditions
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How does climate affect animals?
Heat and moisture, if not right, can kill animals. Animals are adapted to cope
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What is biomass?
The total number of organisms in a given area
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Where do producers get their energy from?
The sun
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Give an example of a producer
Any plant
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Where do consumers get their energy from?
Plants and animals
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Give an example of a consumer
Any animal
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Where do scavengers get their energy from?
Dead plants and animals
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Give an example of a scavenger
A vulture
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What is a decomposer?
Something that breaks down dead remains of animals and plants and releases the chemicals for more plants.
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Give an example of a decomposer
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What is the difference between a food chain and a food web?
A food chain is a line of linkages between producers and consumers and shows how energy is passed on from one organism to the next. Whereas a food web is a diagram that shows all the linkages of producers and consumers in an ecosystem
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What is the litter store made up of?
Dead things, like dead leaves and animals
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What is leaching?
When water dissolves and washes away minerals in the soil
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What does biodiversity mean?
The variety of life in that area or particular habitat
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How can a food chain/web be changed by humans?
Fishing, fertilisers, water pollution, draining a pond, blocking the sun
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How can a food chain/ web be changed by physical factors?
Disease, drought, floods and fires
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Describe on affect of introducing grey wolves to Yellowstone's ecosystem?
More kills made by wolves provide more food for scavengers
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How does climate affect a rain forest soil (Latasol) ?
The rain forest climate makes the soil a red or yellowish colour because of the iron oxide in the soil. It forms from a reaction between oxygen and iron in the presence of water/air and moisture.
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What is stratification in a tropical rainforest?
The different layers of a tropical rainforest
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Name the layers of a tropical rainforest, most sunlight to least
Emergent, canopy, under canopy, shrub and ground
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What is a nutrient cycle?
A diagram that shows how the minerals that provide energy to living organism circulate around an ecosystem.
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Explain how tropical rain forest vegetation has adapted to the climate? DRIP TIP
Thick waxy surface, a pointed end so excess water can drip off. This prevents the plant becoming water logged and dying. ADAPTED TO HEAVY RAINFALL
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Explain how tropical rain forest vegetation has adapted to the climate? FLEXIBLE BASES
Have flexible bases to turn to face whichever direction the sun s coming from. This means they can use the sunlight to maximise their photosynthesis and grow more. ADAPTED TO MAXIMISE SUN
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How have animals adapted to the tropical rainforest climate? SLOTH
Sloth has brown fur, algae grows quickly in the hot and wet climate to cover the brown fur and give camouflage to the sloth in the canopy layer. Safe from predators.
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How have animals adapted to the tropical rainforest climate? PARASOL ANT
Ant climes up trees and carries down segments of leaves 40x there body weight. They bury the leaf and pit on it, their saliva helps fungi to grow quickly in hot and wet conditions. The ant eats the fungi it grows.
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How does deforestation affect the tropical rainforest soil?
Cleared forest means that heavy rainfall hits the ground, soil erosion is caused by the surface run off, lots of leaching as no leaves intercept the rain. NO fallen leaves can die and rot to renew the humus layer.
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How does deforestation affect the world as a whole?
Trees chopped down=fewer trees producing oxygen and absorbing CO2 in photosynthesis=more CO2 in the air, this leads to an increase in greenhouse gases, global warming and climate change.
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After deforestation does rainfall increase or decrease? WHY?
Decrease, less trees means less transipration so less water vapour in the air and less condensation and clouds so the area becomes drier
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Why do tropical rainforests have a high biodiversity?
There are lots of plants and animals in one area
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What is your case study of a tropical rainforest?
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What is a desert?
An area of land that receives less than 250mm of rainfall per year.
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Where are deserts found?
Along the tropics (Cancer and Capricorn), between latitudes of 10 and 30 degrees north and south of equator. west coasts of many continents, where prevailing winds come from dry land.
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Why is it dry in the desert?
Cool air sinks, it warms up, warm air can hold more water, no clouds form so there is very little precipitation. HIGH PRESSURE
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Do deserts have a high or low biodiversity?
LOW, it is very hot and very dry so animals and plants have to be specially adapted to survive her, which not many are.
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How does climate affect the desert soil?
Thin/no humus layer as no leaves are dropped, and it is very dry, so any leaves that are dropped do not rot quickly. a desert soil is very sandy and stony.
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Describe the nutrient cycle of a desert
Soil store is large because no leach to wash away the nutrients. Biomass is small because there are not many plants/animals. Litter is small because there are not many plants and animals, so none will die.
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How have plants adapted to the desert climate? CACTUS
Spikes instead of leaves to reduce moisture loss, water is already sparse. Thick waxy surface reflects suns rays, reduce moisture loss. Long but shallow roots to **** up water quickly.
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How have animals adapted to the desert climate? CAMEL
Thick fur on top of body to provide shade, and thin fur everywhere else to increase heat loss. Lose less water through urine and sweating, to conserve water. Fat is stored in their humps to maximise long distances they can travel in heat.
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How have animals adapted to the desert climate? FENNEC FOX
Large ears to dissipate heat quickly in the desert. They burrow and are nocturnal to reduce water loss when they go out in hot daytime temperatures. They also have thick sandy fur so it can be used as warmth in the cold night and reflects heat, camo
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Case study of opportunities and challenges in the desert
Western desert region
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What is water security?
The reliable availability of an acceptable quantity and quality of water for health, livelihoods and production.
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What is water insecurity?
When water availability is not enough to ensure that the population of an area enjoys good health, livelihood and earnings. This can be caused by water insecurity or poor water quality.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Define ecosystem
Area made up of plants, animals and their surrounding physical environment. Important interrelationships link the BIOTIC and ABIOTIC parts of the ecosystem
Card 3
Name a biotic part of an ecosystem

Card 4
Name an abiotic part of an ecosystem

Card 5
How does climate affect vegetation?

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