Urbanisation is the growth in the proportion of a country's population living in urban areas.
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What are newly emerging economies?
Newly emerging economies are those where economic development is increasing rapidly e.g. Brazil, China, Russia and India.
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Name 2 countries experiencing rapid urban growth.
Some NEE's such as Thailand and Nigeria are experiencing rapid urban growth.
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What are lower income countries?
Lower income countries are less economically developed e.g. Ethiopia and Nepal.Not many of the population in LIC's live in urban areas. The fastest rates of urbanisation in the world are in LIC's.
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What are higher income countries?
Higher income countries are more economically developed e.g. UK and Japan.However, higher income countries have slow rates of urban growth and many people want a better quality of life and moving away from overcrowded cities to rural areas.
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What is urbanisation caused by?
Urbanisation is also caused by natural increase e.g. more people are being born than dying, so the population grows.
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How many people live in urban areas?
More than 50% of people live in urban areas and this is increasing everyday.
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What does good transport and communication networks mean for HIC's?
It means people in HIC's can live in rural areas and commute to cities, or work from home.
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What can conflict cause?
Conflict or war can cause people to flee their homes.
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What can desertification cause?
Desertification can make land unproductive so people can no longer support themselves.
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What can mechanisation cause?
Mechanisation of agricultural equipment can mean farms require fewer workers so there are fewer jobs.
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Where are new megacities expected to emerge?
New megacities are expected to emerge in Asia and Africa by 2030.
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What is rural to urban migration?
Rural to urban migration is the movement of people from the countryside to the cities.
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What are push factors?
Things that encourage people to leave an area.
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What are pull factors?
Things that encourage people to move into an area.
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Why do people migrate?
It is usually a combination of both pull and push factors which causes people to migrate.
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What do higher rates of urbanisation lead to?
HIgher urbanisation rates are leading to the growth of megacities.
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What is a megacity?
A megacity is an urban area with a population over 10 million people living there e.g. Mumbai.
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How many megacities are there now?
There are now 34 megacities more than two thirds are LIC's and NEE's.
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Why do young people move to the city?
Normally, young people move into cities to find a place to work and then these people have children in cities, which increases the proportion of people living in a city.
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What do natural disasters and earthquakes cause?
Natural disasters e.g. floods and earthquakes can damage property and farmland which, people can't afford to repair.
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What do better healthcares in urban areas cause?
There are better healthcares in urban areas which means people live longer, again increasing the proportion of people living in urban areas.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What are newly emerging economies?
Newly emerging economies are those where economic development is increasing rapidly e.g. Brazil, China, Russia and India.
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