Geography Revise Quiz 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyClimate changeCoastal zonesGCSEAll boards Created by: HyperpugggCreated on: 27-06-17 10:33 What Is the name of the gas which increases climate change? Green house gas 1 of 11 what does a coastal management do? Defend against flooding 2 of 11 what is the most exspensive way to stop erosion? Sea wall 3 of 11 Why do polish people migrate? to get jobs 4 of 11 what is the name of the highest layer in the rain forest? Emergent layer 5 of 11 what is a shanty town? a small erea with millions of people living in 6 of 11 what do the people of shanty towns bath in? Suage water 7 of 11 what is a push facter something that makes you want to move 8 of 11 why are people in shanty towns so dumb? They dont have an education system 9 of 11 why does geography exist Because stupid people invented it 10 of 11 is geography gay? obvs 11 of 11
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