a U shaped valley is created when a glacier follows the previous path of a v shaped valley, it becomes bigger and erodres and transports the valley matirial.
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what is an Arete?
when a corrie is formed it's back and side walls tend to be steep and jagged. knife edged.
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what happens in the first part of a glacier ?
when the sun is out the ice melts and fills in the cracks with water.
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what happens second in a glacier?
at night the tempartures become colder and the water crack freezes.
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what happens 3rd in a glacier?
when the water has froze the cracks widen.
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what happens during plucking?
glacier freezes to rock then the glacier moves and the rocks get plucked
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what happens in abrasion?
rocks freeze the base of the glacier then the glacier moves and rocks scrape the bedrock
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what is needed for erosion to happen?
snow / ice builds up then plucking and abrasion happens then a hollow is created and then the snow melts leaving a bowl shaped feature and it sometimes has a lake
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what is a lateral morraine?
edge of the glacier. freeze thaw weathering and valley sides.
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what happens in the galcier budget ?
snow accumulates in a hollow part of the mountain then the snow weighs down and causes comprssion, it then turns to denser glacial ice then it will move downhill.
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what are the inputs of a glacier?
avalanches, snow firn and ice and accumulation.
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what are the outputs of a glacier?
meltwater, evaporation and ablation.
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what are the advantages of tourism
economical benefits, supports local services, attractive towns
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what are the economical problems of tourism?
food costs more if you are a local and houses will cost more if you are a local.
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what is the environmental problems of tourism?
eroded footpaths, lots of litter, congested
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what are the summer attractions for tourists?
hicking, climbing, bike riding, live music, skiing
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what is an avalanche?
an avalanche is a rapid downhill movement of a mass of snow, ice, and rocks usually in a mountain environment.
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what are the physical causes of an avalanche?
earthquakes, heavy rainfall, heavy snowfall.
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what are the human causes of an avalanche?
loud noise, vibrations, skiing.
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what is a loose snow avalanche?
its a powdery avalancheand stars at a single point.
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what is a slab avalanche?
its a large scale of ice and snow breaking away from the main ice pack.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
what is an Arete?
when a corrie is formed it's back and side walls tend to be steep and jagged. knife edged.
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