geography theme 1 0.0 / 5 ? Geographytheme 1GCSEWJEC Created by: SlimjimtimCreated on: 02-03-19 11:24 MIGRATION people move into and out of both urban and rural areas - caused by different push and pull factors 1 of 16 natural population change natural increase(more births, less deaths) - happen in LIC and NIC 2 of 16 push factor a negative reason to leave a place 3 of 16 pull factor a positive reason that attracts someone to a place 4 of 16 types of migrants economic migrants, refugees, asylum seekers 5 of 16 economic migrants pull factors such as better jobs and housing - voluntary migration 6 of 16 refugeees push factor such as civil war or if their life in in danger - involuntary migration 7 of 16 asylum seekers refugees in fear of persecution in their own country 8 of 16 URBANISATION the physical and human growth of towns and cities 9 of 16 suburbanisation a trend for more people to live on the edges of towns/cities 10 of 16 counter-urbanisation movement of people and businesses from large towns/cities to rural areas 11 of 16 re-urbanisation a trend of people moving to live near/in the centre of towns/cities 12 of 16 infil the reuse of derelict land in urban areas -AKA "land-recycling" 13 of 16 gentrification the conversion of existing buildings into high quality dwellings 14 of 16 green belt areas surrounding major cities intended to be kept as open space 15 of 16 garden town a residental community having landscaped green space in their areas 16 of 16
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