geography urban processes 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyurbanIGCSEEdexcel Created by: wilson134Created on: 31-01-23 16:28 suburbanisation the outward growth of towns and cities to engulf surrounding villages in rural areas 1 of 7 counter urbanisation the movement of population away from inner urban areas to new towns, commuter towns or villages 2 of 7 urbanisation an increased percent of people living in urban areas compared to rural areas 3 of 7 commuting people move out of citys and towns to rural areas and either drive or take public transport to work that is in the towns or citys 4 of 7 urban regeneration this involves improving areas in the city that have been run down 5 of 7 urban reimaging when you change the an image of a area and the way people perceive it 6 of 7 agglomeration the process whereby people move from urban areas back to rural areas. 7 of 7
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