
  • Created by: mary
  • Created on: 01-12-13 14:14
What are advantages of brownfield sites?
1. Easier to get planning permission. 2. water and electricity utilities alreadfy available. 3. sites aren't left unattractively derrelict.
1 of 9
What are advantages of greenfield sites?
1. no clear-up needed/cheaper to prepare. 2.pleasant counry environment may appeal to home owner. is cheaper and plots can be larger.
2 of 9
What are disadvantages of greenfield sites?
1. may drive animals away from their habitat.2. make countryside less peaceful/spoil view. 3. may not have nearby services and not be appealing to homeowner.
3 of 9
What are disadvantages of brownfield sites?
1. expensive to clear up before building. wont be fertile for gardens. 3.may need to adjust nearby roads/repair.
4 of 9
what is a stakeholder?
someone who has an interest or concern in something e.g local isssues.
5 of 9
what is a commuter village?
where a large percentage of the population travel to work in the city.
6 of 9
what is the case study for the change in MEDC rural services?
7 of 9
what is the brandT line?
a line that separates MEDC's from LEDC's on the world map.- north are medc, south are ledc- generally
8 of 9
what is the case study of LEDC migration
Lodwar to kibera
9 of 9

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Card 2


What are advantages of greenfield sites?


1. no clear-up needed/cheaper to prepare. 2.pleasant counry environment may appeal to home owner. is cheaper and plots can be larger.

Card 3


What are disadvantages of greenfield sites?


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Card 4


What are disadvantages of brownfield sites?


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Card 5


what is a stakeholder?


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