A settlement that doesn't harm the environment because it meets the needs of the people without damaging the Environment.E.g,BEDZED will have each house facing South to maximise the amount of heat they receive-cuts heating energy by 90%
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An increase in the number of people living in urban areas which leads to a growth in urban areas.
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Satellite Town
A town built in order to reduce the amount of people living in shanty towns which are overcrowded.E.g 10th Ramadam, 15th May
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Sustainable City
designed with consideration of environmental impact.E.g Curitiba
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A Megacity
A city with over 10million people.E.g Cairo has a population of 17million people.
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An Inner City
Is a deprived area near the Central Business District in a city
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Carbon-neutral Housing
Homes that do not add to carbon emissions that harm the environment
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when economic, social and environmental conditions are very poor,E.g Inner city areas-Toxteth
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Redevelopment Projects
When an area is redeveloped it is improved.For example, Liverpool 1 was a redevelopment project that provided employment, a place for people to meet and
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Redevelopment Projects
The Albert Dock was redeveloped and improved Liverpools reputation, provided 10,000 jobs and improved the waterfront.
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Photochemical smog
When smog combines with sunlight to form ozone which causes serious health problems, especially in LA where they are in the basin of the San Fernando Valley which traps the smog.
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A sustainable city being designed by a company called Arup in chongming Island. It will house up to 500,000 people, 60% of the land will be green space and rice waste will be used as energy.
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Self-Help Schemes
A project used in Curitiba/Sao Paulo to help encourage people to build there own homes. It saves money as the materials are provided by the government and they use recycled materials which helps the environment.
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Caused by there being too many people living in urban areas/urbanisation so people end up living in shanty towns,E.g in Cairo, 13cm squared space for each person
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Shanty towns
Deprived settlements,E.g in Cairo the Manshiet Nasser had a landslide that killed 100 people.
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Rural to Urban Migration
When people from rural areas migrate to urban areas in hope of a better life
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Push Factors
Features of an area that makes people want to move away from it,E.g- poor education, high rent
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Pull Factors
Features of an area that makes people want to migrate there,E.g-more employment, better housing, better facilities and better education
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Adding features to an area to make it more attractive,E.g beeches, fountains, flowers and statues
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
An increase in the number of people living in urban areas which leads to a growth in urban areas.
Card 3
A town built in order to reduce the amount of people living in shanty towns which are overcrowded.E.g 10th Ramadam, 15th May
Card 4
designed with consideration of environmental impact.E.g Curitiba
Card 5
A city with over 10million people.E.g Cairo has a population of 17million people.
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