Geography Quize of POWER 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? GeographyUrban environmentsGCSEAQA Created by: Curtis KansindeCreated on: 06-12-12 11:17 the subject Geography 1 of 14 What you use as examples in test papers case study 2 of 14 One of the Units we've studied physical geography 3 of 14 The difinition of an amount of people in one area Population 4 of 14 What the planet's top layer is made from tectonics 5 of 14 Think of life birth rates 6 of 14 Think of death death rates 7 of 14 The reverse form of urbanisation Counter urbanisation 8 of 14 The term for using a resoucre Consumption 9 of 14 A population the is in a decline of young dependants and economicly actives Ageing population 10 of 14 the amount of emisions released as a town as a graph Carbon footprint 11 of 14 What you need to do to become more adept at a subject Revision 12 of 14 What a city does in oder to build up Developement 13 of 14 Our exam board AQA 14 of 14