geography 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? GeographyAll LevelsAll boards Created by: Matthew GibsonCreated on: 03-01-13 18:13 what planet is the earth from the sun 3rd 1 of 17 name the four layers of the earth inner core,outercore,mantle,crust 2 of 17 what are the slabs of crust called tectonic plates 3 of 17 how thick is the crust 7km 4 of 17 how do the plates move convection currents 5 of 17 what was the earth called before it was split into the continents pangea 6 of 17 name 6 plates pacific plate, north american plate,Nazca plate,south american plate, African plate, Eurasian plate, Australian plate 7 of 17 constructive plates move away from each other 8 of 17 destructive plate margins move towards each other 9 of 17 conservative plates move against each other 10 of 17 a volcano is an opening or vent in the earths surface 11 of 17 volcanos form when magma reaches the earths surface 12 of 17 indonesia is found at a ___ plate margin Destructive 13 of 17 what happened on monday 25th of october 2010 a tsunami hit mentawai 14 of 17 earthqukes can happen at ___ plate boundaries any 15 of 17 the focus is the point below the earths surface where the pressure is relased 16 of 17 the epicentre is the point directly above the focus where the earth quake is strongest 17 of 17
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