Geography: Britain, China and Rivers 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyAll LevelsAll boards Created by: natalieCreated on: 28-05-13 17:50 name a capital city of the british isles [britain] england- london 1 of 12 name the longest river in ireland the sharron 2 of 12 what is evaporation? where the sun warms up the oceans, lakes and seas turning the water into water vapour 3 of 12 what happens when it condenses? where the air rises. high up where it's cooler, water vapour condenses into tiny water droplets 4 of 12 what is transpiritation? where plants and trees breathe out water vapour, through tiny holes in their leaves. 5 of 12 what is precipitation? The water drops fall as rain [or hail, sleet or snow] 6 of 12 what is urban? A city 7 of 12 what is rural? a country 8 of 12 what is the one child policy? a policy for china that they can only have one child 9 of 12 why was the one child policy invented? to decrease the population of china 10 of 12 deforestation causes flooding because plants need water. what would be a key word for this? transpiritation 11 of 12 what is an impermeable surface? a surface that no water can soak into 12 of 12
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