Geography Global Tourism 1.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? GeographyTourismGCSEAQA Created by: hazelCreated on: 06-11-12 15:09 Tourism is the largest industry in the world Britian has more demestic tourisms then international tourism 1 of 5 What is tourism? tourism is when people travel away from and stay away from home or at least one night 2 of 5 Coastal areas- the basic attractions are sun, sand and sea. mainly at UK coastal resorts but the UK cannot guarante the sun 3 of 5 Mountains - basic attractions are Snow and Scenery the Scottish Cairgorms have ski facilities but cannot guaranteed winter snow 4 of 5 what are the five most popular overseas destinations for UK residents Spain, France, Irish Repuic, USA, Italy 5 of 5
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