Geography Population and Settlement Case Studies
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- Created by: KAustria
- Created on: 05-05-14 16:58
Name the Managing Overpopulation Case Study?
China, 'Late Long Few' and 'One Child Policy'
1 of 74
What is China's current population?
1.3 billion
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IN 1949 what was China's population?
540 million
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In the 1950's what did the Chinese government encourage couples to do and why?
Encouraged couples to have more children to help produce food and build a strong army.
4 of 74
What was population in China by 1970? Why was this a problem?
The population had reached to 830 million which was a problem because China's resources could not cope.
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What Population management policy was introduced in 1970?
The 'late, long and few' policy which encouraged couple to have children later; have long gaps between the children and have fewer children in general.
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What did the fertility rate drop to by 1979?
1970 - 5.7 1979 - 2.9
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Was the 'L,L,F' policy sustainable?
yes because it helped reduce the population so that rescoures weren't used up
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What policy was introduced in China in 1979?
The One Child Policy which encouraged couples to only have 1 child.
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What benefits were available for Chinese couples who had one child?
1. Longer maternity Leaves 2. better housing 3. Free Education
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What were the consequences Chinese couples faced if they had more than one child?
They received a fine and missed out on benefits available.
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How many births were prevented through the one child policy?
400 million
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What did the fertility rate in China drop to in 2009?
1979 - 2.9 . 2009 - 1.8
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What have the Chinese conlcuded about the effectiveness of the management polices?
Some believe that the LLF was more effective because of the drastic change of the fertility rate.
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What are the exceptions to the One child Policy?
1. Couples are allowed a second child if the 1st child is a girl or is disabled 2. If one of the parents are disabled or if both parents are only children then the couples are allowed a second child.
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Name the Case Study for an Ageing Population
The UK
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What percentage of the population could be 65 years or over by 2041?
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How much has the life expectancy of men and women increased from 1980 to 2006?
2.6 for Women and 6.4 years for men
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What is the current life expectancy for men and women in the UK?
Men : 77.2 years Women : 81.5 years
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What major event occurred between the 1940 - 60s which has resulted to the ageing population in the Uk?
Baby Boom which has now resulted to a pensioner boom
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Since the 1970s what has happened to the birth rate in the Uk?
It has decreased
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Give the 3 main effects of the ageing population in the Uk?
1. Old people living in poverty 2. State pension is low 3. Pressure on health services
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Why are old people in the Uk living in poverty?
The working population isn't large enough and many people don't have savings.
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what is the problem with the state pension in the UK?
Despite being low the government cannot afford it as taxes being paid are not able to cover it all.
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In 2005, what was the average stay of an elderly person in hospital in comparison to the whole of the UK average?
Old people : 13 nights UK : 8 nights
25 of 74
Name the 2 unsustainable strategies the UK has imposed to solve the ageing population?
1. Encourage women to have children through tax credits 2. Encourage immigration of young people to the UK
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Name the 2 sustainable strategies the UK has imposed to solve the ageing population
1. Raise the retirement age to 65 - by 2046 it will be 68 2. Encourage people to take out private pensions.
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Name the Urbanisation Case Study?
China Urbanisation
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By 2006 how many people were living in urban areas in China?
44% of the population 550 million people
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Give the 3 main Push factors as to why people have left rural areas in China?
1. Fewer Jobs 2. Lower Wages and high poverty 3. Shortage of services
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in 2004, how many people were unemployed in rural areas in China?
150 million
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How many people were living in poverty in rural China?
1. Fewer Jobs 2. Lower Wages and high poverty 3. Shortage of services
32 of 74
What are the 3 main push factors as to why people are moving to urban areas?
1. More Jobs 2. High wages ad lower poverty 3. Better servuces
33 of 74
Lack of funding in rural reas resulted to how many children missing out on education in China in 2002?
1.1 million
34 of 74
What are the positive impacts of urbanisation in urban areas in China?
More Workers = Increase Demand = Increase trade and industy
35 of 74
What are the negative impacts of urbanisation in urban areas in China?
Pollution and environmental damage. 270 cities in China have no water treatment plants.
36 of 74
What are the positive impacts of urbanisation in rural areas in China?
130 million people who have left send money bac home.
37 of 74
What are the negative impacts of urbanisation in urban areas in China?
Ageing population - 50% of Chinese people 60 or over live without younger relatives.
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How is urbanisation being managed in Chinese Urban areas?
Changed water supply
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How is urbanisation being managed in Chinese Rural Areas?
Pilot pension scheme for retired farmers
40 of 74
Name the case study on international migration?
UK to Poland
41 of 74
What is the unemployment rate in Poland?
42 of 74
What is the average wage in Poland?
1/3 of the average EU wage
43 of 74
How many dwellings are there for every 1000 people in Poland?
44 of 74
Give the 3 main push Factors in Poland?
1. High Unemployment 2. Low Average Wage 3. House Shortages
45 of 74
Give the 3 min Pull factors to the UK?
1. Ease of Migration 2. Employment 3. Good Exchange rate
46 of 74
In t2004 what did the UK introduce to ease migration?
Unlimited migration form the EU
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IN 2006, how much money was sent home by Polish people?
3 Billion Euros
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What are the advantages and Disadvantages of the migration of young people?
Adv : Helped housing shortages problem and unemployment problem. Dis : Ageing Population
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how have Polish migrants helped the UK economy?
Pay taxes, new businesses
50 of 74
What has the migration of polish people resulted to Socially?
Increase in racism and scapegoating for the rise of benefit thieves in the Uk
51 of 74
What do Polish Migrants have to register under in order t be able to work in the Uk?
Worker Registration Scheme
52 of 74
How have the government tightened the control for newer EU states?
Immigrants have to ask permission form the Home Office to work in the UK
53 of 74
Name the Case Study on Urban Development?
54 of 74
The decline in traditional industries has resulted to what problems?
1.Area called Gorbals have poor-quality high-rise houses 2. High unemployment - 7.1%
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What 2 new redevelopment programmes have been introduced?
Clyde Waterfront Regeneration Project and the Regeneration of Gorbals
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What is the Clyde Waterfront Regeneration project?
200 projects costing £ 5 billion has been dedicated into transforming the old industrial land for business, recreational and residential use.
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What is the Regeneration of Gorbal project?
£170 million is being invested into building a new 'urban village' with 1500 new homes, a shopping centre, library and community centre
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How is the redevelopments in Glasgow meeting social needs?
Improve transport facilities, leisure facilities and homes
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How is the redevelopments in Glasgow meeting economic needs?
50,000 jobs are created through the Waterfront project
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How is the redevelopments in Glasgow meeting environmental needs?
Parks and natural areas
61 of 74
How sustainable is the Clyde Waterfront Regeneration Project?
It has improved transport links to encourage lower car use
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How sustainable are the projects in Gorbals?
Reusing derelict brownfield sites
63 of 74
Name the Changing Retail services case study?
Meadowhall in South Yorkshire
64 of 74
Give the 3 factors which have changed retail services over time?
1. Increased Car Ownership 2. Changes to Supply and Demand 3. Work Patterns
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Where is Meadowhall?
Outside Sheffield in South Yorkshire
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When was Meadowhall built?
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How many shops are there in Meadowhall?
280 shops
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How mnay free car parking spaces are there in Meadowhall?
12,000 free car parking spaces
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How many shoppers visit Meadowhall every week?
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Why have the number of shops in Sheffield declined?
1. Cheaper rent in Meadowhall 2. decrease in demand 3, Unable to compete with competition
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What percentage has trade loss in Sheffield?
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Give an example of a shop that has experienced a decline in rural reas in South Yorkshire?
Hope, Post Office
73 of 74
How have Sheffield tried to tackle the change in retail services?
1. Improving Parking 2. Using 'City Watch' scheme to reduce crime.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is China's current population?
1.3 billion
Card 3
IN 1949 what was China's population?

Card 4
In the 1950's what did the Chinese government encourage couples to do and why?

Card 5
What was population in China by 1970? Why was this a problem?

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