Geography quiz 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyDevelopmentGCSEWJEC Created by: swagleyCreated on: 07-10-13 10:37 what is GNP? Gross national pay 1 of 7 In what country is Captain Condom is widely known? Thailand 2 of 7 What piece of clothing does Ghana look like? A top hat 3 of 7 What country handed out free contraception to decrease the spread of HIV and AIDS? Thailand 4 of 7 What is the brandt line? It is a visual description of the north-south devide of the earths economies it was proposed by willy brandt in 1920 5 of 7 What part of Ghana has inconsistent rain fall? North 6 of 7 what percentage of the ghanaian population work on farms? 55% and above 7 of 7
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