Geography revision
Geograph revision for tests May 2013
2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating
- Created by: F
- Created on: 27-02-13 16:55
Physical Geography
Earth's nature, eg. mountains, sea and beach.
1 of 63
Environmental Geography
Wind turbines, rubbish. How we affect our surroundings
2 of 63
Human Geography
Houses, farms, hotels, things that we affect. How and where we live
3 of 63
Local, reigional, national, global
4 of 63
Mental map
A map drawn in your head
5 of 63
Northern and Southern Hemispheres
The areas of the Earth on different sides of the equator
6 of 63
Latitude measures the distance in degrees form the Equator
7 of 63
Measures the distance in degrees from the Meridian, which passes through Greenwich, London
8 of 63
Mercator's map
Helped 16th century sailors. Has straight grid lines right across the world. The equator is 2/3 of th eway down and the richer countries are larger.
9 of 63
Peter's map
Fair map of the world. Equator shown in correct place and shows the true size of countries. Is stretched at odd angles.
10 of 63
British Isles
United Kingdom (UK) and Republic of Ireland (ROI)
11 of 63
United Kingdom
England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
12 of 63
English Regions
South East, London, South West, West Midlands, East Midlands, North East and North West
13 of 63
Rain, sun, clouds- day to day changes
14 of 63
Humidity, Dry (air) - what we expect the average to be
15 of 63
Relief Rainfall
When wather vapour rises to go over an object but cools and it rains on the side of the hill the cloud first goes over
16 of 63
Wettest areas (Britain)
West coast, high land
17 of 63
Driest areas (Britain)
South East, lower land and higher population
18 of 63
A group of 27 countries (28 in July) who have a 'club' where they all agree to rules and uses money to change the way people live and work in Europe
19 of 63
Euro users
24 countries use the Euro
20 of 63
Asylum seeker
A person who leaves their country and flees to safety in another
21 of 63
A person who leaves his/ her country to settle in another
22 of 63
A person who moves here from another country to live
23 of 63
A person who has ben forced to flee from danger
24 of 63
A person who moves to another country to work for a while
25 of 63
Push factor
Makes someone want to leave a place
26 of 63
Pull factor
Makes someone want to move to a place
27 of 63
Primary Work
farming, fishing ect
28 of 63
Secondary work
Build/ make things
29 of 63
Tertiary Work
Provide a service
30 of 63
Hi- tevh research
31 of 63
Temporary Housing
Somewhere only lived in for part of the year
32 of 63
Somewhere lived in at all times
33 of 63
A few houses in a rural area
34 of 63
Where cities have grown to swallow up other cities
35 of 63
A rural settlement with a collection of houses and few amenities
36 of 63
A population centre with a large population
37 of 63
A population centre smaller than a city but larger than a village
38 of 63
A person who leaves his/ her country to settle in another
39 of 63
A person who moves here from another country to live
40 of 63
A person who has ben forced to flee from danger
41 of 63
A person who moves to another country to work for a while
42 of 63
Push factor
Makes someone want to leave a place
43 of 63
Pull factor
Makes someone want to move to a place
44 of 63
Primary Work
farming, fishing ect
45 of 63
Secondary work
Build/ make things
46 of 63
Tertiary Work
Provide a service
47 of 63
Hi- tevh research
48 of 63
Temporary Housing
Somewhere only lived in for part of the year
49 of 63
Somewhere lived in at all times
50 of 63
A few houses in a rural area
51 of 63
Where cities have grown to swallow up other cities
52 of 63
A rural settlement with a collection of houses and few amenities
53 of 63
A population centre with a large population
54 of 63
A population centre smaller than a city but larger than a village
55 of 63
A countryside location
56 of 63
Auilt up areas including towns and cities
57 of 63
A settlement based in a narrow band along a road or other feature
58 of 63
Settlements based around a focus point
59 of 63
Settlements where few buildings are based around a large area
60 of 63
The land a settlement is built on
61 of 63
The position of a settlement in relation to features
62 of 63
A place where people live
63 of 63
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Wind turbines, rubbish. How we affect our surroundings
Environmental Geography
Card 3
Houses, farms, hotels, things that we affect. How and where we live
Card 4
Local, reigional, national, global
Card 5
A map drawn in your head
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