Geography unit 3 3.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? GeographyGCSEAQA Created by: E RoboCreated on: 02-05-13 14:16 Honey pot A place of attractive scenery or historic interests that attracts large numbers of visitors 1 of 16 Specialist hoilday Holidays based on a particular activity or interest 2 of 16 Tourism The short term movement of people to places away from where they live and work, normally for pleasure but also for business 3 of 16 Long haul A flight over a long distance usually taking more than 3 hours 4 of 16 National park Areas of outstanding natural beauty that are protected so that visitors can enjoy the landscape now and in the future 5 of 16 Package holiday A tour where where transport and accommodation are included all in one price (and sometimes food if in hotels) 6 of 16 Fair-trade tourism This makes sure that the benefits go directly to those whose land, natural resources, work, knowledge and cultures are being used 7 of 16 Short haul A flight over a short distance, usually taking less than three hours 8 of 16 Wilderness tourism Tourism is areas that are undeveloped and isolated 9 of 16 Infrastructure Basic networks such as transport, power supplies, water and telecommunications- usually the government is responsible for this 10 of 16 Sustainable tourism Meeting the needs of the present population without damaging the environment for the future generation 11 of 16 Mass tourism Large number s of tourists visiting the same area 12 of 16 European city culture A city designated by the European Union for one year to promote the city to new audiences 13 of 16 Corporate responsibility How a company manages its impact on the environment and local communities 14 of 16 Eco-tourism Holidays/ tourism that do little or no damage to the environment and local communities 15 of 16 Event tourism+ heritage tourism Tourism that is based on specific events whether sporting, cultural or historical 16 of 16
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