geography year 7 4.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? GeographyAll LevelsNone Created by: ElisabethhhCreated on: 24-05-13 17:31 what is the inner core made up of iron and nickel 1 of 24 what layers of the earth are made of iron and nickel inner/outer core 2 of 24 what substance is the mantle like toffee 3 of 24 what is the mantle made of magma 4 of 24 what are the two types of crust continental and oceanic plates 5 of 24 what are convection currents heat rising up and down in the mantle 6 of 24 what liquid is convection current like hot soup 7 of 24 what is a plate boundary where two plates meet 8 of 24 what are the three different plate boundaries called destructive, constructive, conservative 9 of 24 what happens at constructive plate boundaries the plates move apart 10 of 24 what happens at destructive plate boundaries the plates move towards each other 11 of 24 what happens at conservative plate boundaries the plates slide past each other 12 of 24 at what type of plate boundary do earthquakes occur all three 13 of 24 at what type of plate boundary do volcanoes occur destructive and constructive 14 of 24 what is lava called when it is still inside the volcano magma 15 of 24 what is pyroclastic flow a mixture of dust,ash, rock and hot steam 16 of 24 what instrument is used to measure earthquakes a seisometre 17 of 24 what is the scale that measures the size of earthquakes called the ritcher scale 18 of 24 what is the epicentre the immediate spot where the earthquake is coming from 19 of 24 what is the focus the spot above the epicentre on the ground 20 of 24 what is a settlement a place where somebody lives 21 of 24 what is a site where a settlement is 22 of 24 what is a situation where settlement is in relation to its surroundings 23 of 24 what is a settlement hierarchy and what does it tell us a triangular shape table that tells us that the higher up the table you go the frequency decreases and the size increases 24 of 24
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