Geography:Challenges For The Planet
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- Created by: sophiegandhiii
- Created on: 12-05-17 21:41
How has climate changed since the last ice age?
Long term: orbital geometry. More eliptical=warmer Short term: volcanic eruptions=sulphur dioxide and ash=cloaks the atmosphere=blocks solar radiation=colder. solar output(flares)
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Explain how 2 natural processes have contributed to climate change?
1. Solar output 2. Methane from... cows(flatulence), rice production is western countries, mining of fossil fuels
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Effects of global warming at a global scale- Farming patterns
Countries close to the equator such as Tanzania have longer drought periods therefore have short growing seasons due to hot and dry weather.
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Effects of global warming at a global scale-Rising sea level
Due to melting ice, from 1993 to 2006 sea levels increased by 3.3mm, predicted to be 88cm by the end of century which would affect low lying coastal land such as London
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Effects of global warming at a global scale- Glaciers
90%of the glaciers in Antarctica are retreating
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Effects of global warming at a local scale- Kenya
Drought every 3 years instead of 10 years now. 2006, Kenya suffered the worst drought where many farmers lost all their cattle.
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Effects of global warming at a local scale- Barrier Reef Australia
Predicted to be die in 30 years due to rising sea temperature
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Effects of global warming at a local scale- UK
Increasing number of floods.
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Explain 2 local responses to climate change
1. LiveSimply (CAFOD) in 2007 students were encouraged to be more sustainable=walk to school 2. Manchester is my planet from 2005 over 20,000 people pledged to reduce their carbon footprint by giving the Green Badge Parking Permit
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Explain a global response to climate change
Kyoto Protocol in 1997 agreed to reduce greenhouse emissions by 5.2%. Iceland did this by trading 2% of their carbon credits with the EU to enable EU to meet its 8% target.
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Define sustainable development
development which meets the needs of today without compromising for future generations
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Explain how large organisations are becoming more sustainable in the workplace- Walkers Crisps
Installed water meters to monitor usage and reduced it by 50%. Encouraged this management by giving staff rewards.
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Explain how large organisations are becoming more sustainable in the workplace- Asda
Recycling centre in Didcot, Oxfordshire. Use balers to compress plastic waste reducing it by 10% than its original size=collections once a week rather than four times= less transport costs.
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Explain how large organisations are becoming more sustainable in the workplace- Nokia
100% of their phones are recyclable into trumpets/gold rings etc yet 44% are kept at home. If every mobile phone user recycled one phone, it would save 240,000 tonnes of raw materials
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Define transport sustainability
maintaining the standard of transport that is required for society and the economy to function efficiently without placing too much pressure on the environment
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How is transport being managed in urban areas- Congestion Charge
When motorists are charged to go into city centres usually at peak times. London 2003 £10
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Why introduce the congestion charge
1. Stop congestion. 2. Reduce traffic. 3. Raise money. 4. Make cities safer. 5. Encourage park and ride.
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How is transport being managed in urban areas- Park and Ride
When shoppers park their cars in large designated free parking areas on the outskirts of the city then catch abus into the centre. Cambridge-4500 spaces- buses run every 10 mins, up to 70 passengers, £2.20`
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Define natural resources
Materials that can be found within the environment existing as a separate entity eg fish or an alternate form which must be processed eg oil.
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Effects of Resource Extraction- Oil extraction, Ecuador
Crude oil seeps out of 600 unlined pits=pollutes freshwater= local people (huaorani) drink/bathe= stomach cancer risk x5 and miscarriage more likely. Periwinkle (medicinal leukaemia)= endangered
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Effects of Resource Extraction- Logging, Cameroon
Roads for logging have opened up forests for illegal hunters=kill elephants and chimpanzees= sell £££ at restaurants
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Tropical Rainforest Management- Costa Rica
1. Eco tourism, zip wires through forest= tourists. 2. American company, Merck, allowed to look for plant species for medicine/fragrances= get a share of profit
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Tropical Rainforest Management- Venezuela
2008= no more gold mining permits= £conserve forest= attacks on local people from illegal miners= govn protect biodiversity of forest and locals
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Tropical Rainforest Management- Disney/Peru
Disney gave $3.5 mil= reduce deforestation emissions= 3 million tonnes reduction= exchange carbon credits
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Explain how 2 natural processes have contributed to climate change?
1. Solar output 2. Methane from... cows(flatulence), rice production is western countries, mining of fossil fuels
Card 3
Effects of global warming at a global scale- Farming patterns

Card 4
Effects of global warming at a global scale-Rising sea level

Card 5
Effects of global warming at a global scale- Glaciers

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