Marine creatures with calcium carbonate in their shells die.
They sink to the sea floor.
Over millions of years, sediment falls on them and they are compacted.
Eventually cementation takes place due to the pressure and chemical reactions.
Now limestone ro
1 of 7
How does coal form?
Land based plants die and enter into swamps.
They slowly settle and compact to form peat and coal.
*Millions of years to form
2 of 7
How is natural gas formed?
Created as a by product during the formation of coal and crude oil.
3 of 7
How is crude oil formed?
fine grade sediment and biologically degraded materials settle to the sea floor.
Anaerobic reactions turn the organic carbon into liquid.
Impermeable rock traps the crude oil.
4 of 7
What are the 3 processes which cause the chemical weathering of rock?
5 of 7
How are sedimentary rocks formed?
Acidic rain hits carbon rich rocks and dissolves it.
The dissolved materials are transported to the sea by rivers. The material settles and forms sedimentary rock over millions of years.
6 of 7
When volcanic activity releases CO2 into the attmosphere.
7 of 7
Other cards in this set
Card 2
How does coal form?
Land based plants die and enter into swamps.
They slowly settle and compact to form peat and coal.
*Millions of years to form
Card 3
How is natural gas formed?
Card 4
How is crude oil formed?
Card 5
What are the 3 processes which cause the chemical weathering of rock?
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