Geology Chapter 2.11 0.0 / 5 ? GeologylavaA2/A-levelOCR Created by: abbbywCreated on: 02-01-18 14:35 Melt the name given to magma or lava, in the liquid phase 1 of 8 Aa lava flows have a rough, blocky, jagged surface 2 of 8 Pahoehoe lava flows have a smooth or ropy surface 3 of 8 Scoria a volcanic rock that's usually mafic but can be intermediate in composition 4 of 8 Pyroclast an individual fragment ejected during an eruption 5 of 8 Pyroclastic all the fragmental materials formed by explosive eruptions 6 of 8 Nuee ardente an incandescent, gaseous, pyroclastic cloud of magma droplets + ash. When cooled + deposited it's called an ignimbrite 7 of 8 Pyroclastic flow a hot mixture of pyroclastic material + gas. A nuee ardente is a type of pyroclastic fow 8 of 8
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