Geology Chapter 3.4 0.0 / 5 ? Geologysiliciclastic rocks A2/A-levelOCR Created by: abbbywCreated on: 29-12-17 11:12 Mechanically formed sedimentary rocks result from the process of erosion, transport + deposition of clasts 1 of 10 Siliciclastic rocks form from sediments composed of silicate minerals + rock fragments 2 of 10 Matrix the background material of small grains in which larger grains occur 3 of 10 Clay Minerals a group of sub-microscopic platy aluminium silicates related to mica 4 of 10 Plasticity the ability of a material to permanently change shape without fracturing 5 of 10 Fissile refers to the tendency of a rock to split into thin layers 6 of 10 Rudaceous sedimentary rocks are those in which the grain size of clasts is greater than 2mm 7 of 10 Arenaceous sedimentary rocks are those in which the grain size of clasts is 0.0625 to 2mm 8 of 10 Argillaceous sedimentary rocks are those in which the grain size of clasts is less than 0.0625mm 9 of 10 Fossil the remains of an organism that lived more than 10,000 years ago, including skeletons, tracks, impressions, trails + casts 10 of 10
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