Georgraphy - Development Gap 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyEconomic changeGCSEAQA Created by: CherieMcBarnettCreated on: 06-02-16 21:50 Short Term Aid emergancy or humanitarian aid helps people recover from natural hazards and conflicts short term. Somthing that will help over a short period of time. 1 of 36 Long Term Aid Development aid aimes to improve peoples standards of living and quality of life in the long term. Somthing that will help over a long period of time. 2 of 36 Bilateral Aid Aid given by one country's goverment to anothers. 3 of 36 Multilateral Aid Aid given by governments to international agencies such as the world bank which then fund development projects. 4 of 36 Voluntary Aid Aid that comes from charities like Oxfam and Action Aid. 5 of 36 Top Down Aid Governments and international agencies give poor countries money and tell them what to spend it on. 6 of 36 Bottem Up Aid Governments nigociate with poor countries deciding themselves what to spend the money they have been given on. 7 of 36 Core Countries Countries in the centre both geographicaly and politicaly. 8 of 36 Perifery Countries Countries on the edge both geographicaly and politicaly. 9 of 36 Quality of Life How a person is emotionally, that is not easy to measure. 10 of 36 Standard of Living How much 'stuff' a person has. 11 of 36 GNP GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT. How much a country produces money, selling products. Money made over all in that country. 12 of 36 GNI GROSS NATIONAL INCOME. The value of all producers who are residence in a nation, plus any income earned from abroad. 13 of 36 HDI HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX. The develpment of a human in a country. 14 of 36 Birth Rate Number of people the are born per 1000 population per year. 15 of 36 Death Rate Number of people that die per 1000 population per year. 16 of 36 Infant Mortality The numeber of children that die before the age of 1 per 1000 born per year. 17 of 36 People/Doctor How many people there are for each doctor in a country. 18 of 36 Literacy Rate Percentage of adults who can read and write in a country. 19 of 36 Access to Water Percentage of people who have safe drinking water in a country. 20 of 36 Life Expectancy The life span of an average person in a country. 21 of 36 Fertility Rate How many childeren there are to 1 mother. 22 of 36 Five-Fold division based on wealth 5 catagories: rich industialising countries, oil exporting countries, newly industrialising countries, former centrally planned economies, heavily indepted poor countries. 23 of 36 NIC Newly industrialising countries. 24 of 36 Imports Products comming into the county. 25 of 36 Exports Products going out of the contry. 26 of 36 Primary Products Products that are naturally produced. 27 of 36 Manufactured Products Products that are maufactured by man. 28 of 36 PPD PRIMARY PRODUCT DEPENDANCY. Where a country relies only on its primary product exports. 29 of 36 Trade Suplus When a country's exports are greater than its imports. Therefore gets wealthy. 30 of 36 Trade Deficit When a country's imports are greater than its exports. Therefore gets poorer and creates dept. 31 of 36 The Balence of Trade The difference between a countries imports and exports. 32 of 36 Tarrifs Extra taxes put on imports to limit a countries imports. 33 of 36 Quota Pricice limits of the quantity of goods that can be imported. 34 of 36 Subsides Money given by the government to help indistry or buisness keep the price of a commodity low or service low. 35 of 36 Wholesale The price the retailer pays for distrabution for the product. 36 of 36
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