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6. Find the mistake: Ich habe eine Hund und veir Catze
- Catze shouldn't have a capital
- Eine should be ein
- Und should be unde
- Hund shouldn't have a capital
7. Ice habe ein Hund. Translate
- I don't have two dogs
- I have a dog
- I have two dogs
- I don't have a dog
8. What are the cases (Singular)?
- Du, Dut, er/sie/es
- Dut, Iche, er/sire/es
- Ich, Du, er/sie/es
- Ich, Du, es/sie/er
9. What is I live in Newport, in german
- Ich wohne in Newport
- Ich wohne ine Newporte
- Du wonst in Newport
- Ich wonst in Newport
10. What is the first step in conjugating? (Regular)
- Add e, t , st respectively
- Take off en to make the verb stem
- Add e, st,t respectively