German Adjectives 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? GermanGrammar and vocabularyGCSEAQA Created by: kwinstanleyCreated on: 09-02-14 15:40 allein alone 1 of 64 aktuell current 2 of 64 ander other 3 of 64 aufregend exciting 4 of 64 ausgezeichnet excellent 5 of 64 bequem comfortable 6 of 64 ärgerlich annoying 7 of 64 **** fat 8 of 64 draußen outside 9 of 64 echt real 10 of 64 eilig in a hurry 11 of 64 ermüdend tiring 12 of 64 eigen own 13 of 64 faul lazy 14 of 64 fertig ready 15 of 64 fleißig hardworking 16 of 64 frei free 17 of 64 gefärlich dangerous 18 of 64 genau exact 19 of 64 gesund healthy 20 of 64 gleich similar/same 21 of 64 glücklich happy 22 of 64 gut gelaunt good mood 23 of 64 häßlich ugly/horrible 24 of 64 kaputt broken 25 of 64 klar clear 26 of 64 komisch funny 27 of 64 kostenlos free 28 of 64 krank ill 29 of 64 langweilig boring 30 of 64 launisch moody 31 of 64 leise quiet 32 of 64 leicht easy 33 of 64 leiblings favourite 34 of 64 müde tired 35 of 64 nah near 36 of 64 nett kind 37 of 64 neu new 38 of 64 nützlich useful 39 of 64 offen open 40 of 64 prima great/marvellous 41 of 64 reich rich 42 of 64 richtig right 43 of 64 ruhig calm/peaceful 44 of 64 sauber clean 45 of 64 gut/schlecht good/bad 46 of 64 schmutzig dirty 47 of 64 schrecklich awful 48 of 64 schwach weak 49 of 64 schwer hard/heavy/difficult 50 of 64 schwieirig difficult 51 of 64 spannend exciting/tense 52 of 64 streng strict 53 of 64 teuer expensive 54 of 64 toll great 55 of 64 traurig sad 56 of 64 umweltfeindlich environmentally damaging 57 of 64 umweltfreundlich environmentally friendly 58 of 64 unterschiedlich variable 59 of 64 weit far 60 of 64 wichtig important 61 of 64 wirklich real 62 of 64 zufrieden pleased/satisfied 63 of 64 zusammen together 64 of 64