Germany 1919 - 1945 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryWWII and Nazi Germany 1939-1945GCSEEdexcel Created by: examsscc2015Created on: 16-12-15 11:29 Spartacist Uprising January 1919 1 of 12 Hitler joins the German Workers Party November 1919 2 of 12 Kapp Putsch March 1920 3 of 12 Hitler becomes Party Leader March 1920 4 of 12 Hitler sets up the SA 1921 5 of 12 Occupation of the Ruhr January 1923 6 of 12 Hyperinflation 1923 7 of 12 Stresesman becomes Chancellor August 1923 8 of 12 Munich Putsch November 1923 9 of 12 Streseman calls off passive resistance in Ruhr November 1923 10 of 12 Hitler's trial February 1924 11 of 12 Mein Kampf July 1925 12 of 12
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