Germany 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryWWII and Nazi Germany 1939-1945GCSEOCR Created by: Megan_LouiseCreated on: 26-04-16 10:35 LAMB Land, Army, Money, Blame. Contents of the Treaty of Versailles. 1 of 22 Ruhr Germany's industrial heartland that France invades in 1923. 2 of 22 Communism Anti-rich, distribute wealth. Completely opposed to Nazism. Left wing. 3 of 22 Spartacists Left wing/ Communist. Attempted revolution. Crushed by Friekorps 1919. 4 of 22 Red Rising Left wing/ Communist. Take over the Ruhr. Crushed by the Friekorps 1920 5 of 22 Reichstag German Parliament 6 of 22 Passive Resistance Non violent resistance to the French invasion of the Ruhr 7 of 22 Stresemann German Chancellor and Foreign Minister. Saves Germany from HI 8 of 22 Dawes Plan Loans from America. Aids Germany's recovery 1924 9 of 22 Eugenics Social Darwinism. Survival of the fittest. Breeding the 'master race'. Key Nazi belief. 10 of 22 ** Hitler's personal bodyguard. Guard concentration camps. Used to control Germany through fear. 11 of 22 Golden Years Period of economic recovery. Germany back in international community. Culture, woman's rights, art, architecture change dramatically 1924-29 12 of 22 SA Nazi private army. Brown shirts, storms troopers. 13 of 22 Rentenmark Temporary currency introduced by Stresemann. One of the four main factors in ridding Germany of HI. 14 of 22 Hyperinflation 1923. Prices and wages increase at an alarming rate as a result of PR. 15 of 22 Munich Putsch Nazi attempt to overthrow the Weimar Government, 1923. Beer Hall Putsch 16 of 22 Weimar Republic The new German government established at the end of WW1 17 of 22 Kapp Putsch Right wing. Friekorps. Led by Wolfgang Kapp 1920 18 of 22 Early challenges to Weimar Spartacists 1919, Kapp Putsch 1920, Red Rising 1920, Munich Putsch 1923 19 of 22 National Socialism Nazi. Ideology of Hitler and the Nazis, Nationalism- Country first. Socialism- People first. Right wing. 20 of 22 Reparations Money Germany has to pay back from ToV. £6,600 million 21 of 22 Treaty of Versailles The treaty imposed on Germany at the end of WW1 22 of 22
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