Nazi Germany 1919-1945 Edexcel 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryWWII and Nazi Germany 1939-1945GCSEEdexcel Created by: TeganLowe17Created on: 07-03-17 12:21 End of WW1 Treaty of Versailles was signed. 1 of 25 Jan 1919 Spartacists. Led by Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Leibknecht 2 of 25 March 1920 Kapp Putsch. Aimed to set up a new government, due to anger over signing of Treat of Versailles 3 of 25 Jan 1923 Hyperinflation. Government began printing money to pay off reparations. 4 of 25 Nov 1923 Munich Putsch. Attempted by Hitler and Lundendorff 5 of 25 Feb 1924 Hitler sentenced to 5 years in prison and writes Mein Kampf. 6 of 25 Apr 1925 ** formed 7 of 25 Jul 1926 Hitler Youth and German worker youth formed. 8 of 25 1929-1930 Great Depression. Support for Nazi party dramatically increased. 9 of 25 Sept 1930 Nazi Party gained 18.3% of votes in the Reichstag. 10 of 25 Jul 1932 Nazi Party gained 37.4% of votes in the Reichstag and became the largest party. 11 of 25 Jan 1933 Hitler appointed chancellor 12 of 25 Feb 1933 Reichstag Fire, resulting in the banning of Communist Party which gained support for the Nazi Party 13 of 25 Mar 1933 Communist Party banned and Nazi Party gained 44% of votes in Reichstag. 14 of 25 Mar 1933 Enabling Act, allowing Hitler to pass lawss without consulting Reichstag. 15 of 25 Apr 1933 Nazi Party took over local government 16 of 25 May 1933 Trade uninions banned 17 of 25 May 1933 Burning of 'un-german' books, encouraged by Goebelles. 18 of 25 Jul 1933 All parties except the Nazi Party were banned. 19 of 25 Oct 1933 Germany left the League of Nations. 20 of 25 Jun 1934 The Knight Of the Long Knives. 150 leaders of the SA were executed. 21 of 25 Aug 1934 Hindenburg dies and Hitler become Fuhrer. 22 of 25 Sept 1934 Hitler defines the role of women. 23 of 25 Sept 1935 Nuremburg Laws defined German citizenship. Relationships between Jews and Aryans were banned 24 of 25 Nov 1938 Kristallnacht. Jewish shops and synagogues were destroyed. 25 of 25
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