Germany-the treaty of Versailles and the use of terror in Nazi Germany

  • Created by: Ellona202
  • Created on: 29-06-18 21:18
When was the treaty of Versailles made?
June 28th 1919
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What was the four main terms in the treaty of versailles?
Blame,reparations,army and territory
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What was the term of the treaty for blame?
Germany had to admit full responsibility for starting world war
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What was the term of the treaty for reparartions?
Germany was blamed for the war starting therefore they are responsible for the war damage caused in ww1.They had to pay 6.6 billion pounds and Germany is well beyond the ability to pay this.
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what was the term of the treaty for army?
germanys army was reduced to 100000 men;the army is no allowed tanks,no air force,6 battleships,6 cruisers,12 destroyers,12 torpedo boats
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what was the term of the treaty for territory?
Germany 11 African colonies was taken away
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what was the impact of the treaty?
the treaty severey damaged germanys economy
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Card 2


Blame,reparations,army and territory


What was the four main terms in the treaty of versailles?

Card 3


Germany had to admit full responsibility for starting world war


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Card 4


Germany was blamed for the war starting therefore they are responsible for the war damage caused in ww1.They had to pay 6.6 billion pounds and Germany is well beyond the ability to pay this.


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Card 5


germanys army was reduced to 100000 men;the army is no allowed tanks,no air force,6 battleships,6 cruisers,12 destroyers,12 torpedo boats


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