Germany - Emergency Division - 1945-7 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryThe rise of Germany from 1871ASEdexcel Created by: HannahCreated on: 05-05-13 18:52 January 1946 CDU/CSU informally formed. 1 of 7 April 1946 SED formed. 2 of 7 April 1946 Paris Conference - Americans invites an economic union. Only British accept. 3 of 7 September 1946 Stuttgart Speech - heavy industries not dismantled if needed for German economy and that economic union was imminent. 4 of 7 March 1947 Truman Doctrine - containment of communism. 5 of 7 March - April 1947 Moscow conference - no peace treaty agreed or steps towards unification made. Clay told to focus on Bizonia. 6 of 7 June 1947 Marshall Aid 7 of 7
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